Home Improvement Rules
Working on a house seems to entail living in the past, present and future all at once. These beliefs/ mantras/ Rules help me navigate the trickiness of making decisions within this triple time frame and not regretting decisions later. Beliefs/Mantras/Rules: #1 Leave each place/ the house better than you found it. (I learned this from Girl Scouts and it has been a good mantra in life.) #2 Respect the craftsmanship and quality materials of those that went before you... but know when to say when to "preciousness." ( Yes, that "original" quarter round floor trim can be replaced instead of tediously "restored" but please don't paint that 135 year old quartersawn old-growth white oak trim unless it is the ONLY option- i.e. massive, irreparable damage) #3 Do not make your future-self or future home owners hate you for your decisions. (I'm looking at you square head nails and construction adhesive that require tearing things out with brute force or ...